FAO AI4DBP Integrating AI in electronic monitoring (EM) systems for accurate verifiable data Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 20:59 3 years ago 181 Далее Скачать
AI4DBP - AZTI & Marine Instruments - Integrating AI in electronic monitoring systems Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 11:29 3 years ago 129 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP Electronic visual monitoring challenges and developments with AI Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 17:29 3 years ago 65 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP - Data integration for actionable knowledge using machine learning Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 16:14 3 years ago 157 Далее Скачать
AI for species identification in large scale fishery electronic monitoring (EM) systems Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 21:02 3 years ago 842 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP Integrating EM and reporting technology for fisheries management and compliance Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 12:56 3 years ago 87 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP Machine learning in the Hawaii longline fisheries Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 9:19 3 years ago 107 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP - FishID - a smart monitoring tool for aquatic ecosystem monitoring Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 13:53 3 years ago 302 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP Using AI for food narratives in small-scale seafood & aquaculture Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 13:14 3 years ago 113 Далее Скачать
AI4DBP - FishNet - species classification using deep learning with a data set of one million fish Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 14:46 3 years ago 1 077 Далее Скачать
Electronic Monitoring Programs Can Improve Fisheries Oversight | Pew Pew 3:12 4 years ago 1 892 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP Using computer vision to evaluate bycatch to enhance fully documented fisheries Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 17:56 3 years ago 119 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP Using machine learning to differentiate species and count fish in trawl nets Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 10:28 3 years ago 254 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP - Cawil.Ai -Digitization of catch origin landing declaration in tuna fisheries Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 16:48 3 years ago 220 Далее Скачать
AI4DBP - Using AI for recognizing otoliths: a preliminary prototype Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 15:26 3 years ago 82 Далее Скачать
AI4DBP - Cardiff and Exeter University - Mapping disease and distribution of fish using AI Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 9:19 3 years ago 72 Далее Скачать
FAO AI4DBP Big Data Indonesia style - connecting communities across the oceans Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 16:35 3 years ago 42 Далее Скачать
Catch-Up | AI Guide 002 | Globally scaling fishery electronic monitoring with AI ThisFish 3:54 2 years ago 688 Далее Скачать